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Meron Tesfaye, Ph.D.

Senior Policy Analyst

Headshot of Meron Tesfaye, Ph.D.

Dr. Meron Tesfaye is a senior policy analyst for BPC’s Energy Program. Tesfaye applies her decade-long experience at the frontiers of clean energy and sustainability research to design policy interventions that alleviate impacts of climate change. Prior to joining BPC, Tesfaye was a Senior Policy Fellow at Carbon180 developing federal policy approaches and recommendations to enable equitable deployment of carbon removal and climate mitigation technologies. Tesfaye was also a California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) Science Fellow placed in the California Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Committee, where she helped analyze California budget policy and priorities.

Born and raised in Ethiopia, Tesfaye holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, where she conducted research to improve the performance and cost of hydrogen-powered, zero-emission vehicles. Tesfaye has a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Engineering Leadership Development from the University of Maryland, College Park.